Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Group Presentation Instructions

For your presentation, your group has been given a chapter from the Course Reader. You need to present the material from that chapter. Here are the instructions:

Group Presentation Instructions

Group 1:

Students: Lindita Latifi, Eljvira, Cvetanka, Ajsha, Fitore P.

Topic: Chapter 4: Human Learning

Group 2:

Students: Fitore I., Besarta, Aleksandar, Adriana, Sali

Topic: Chapter 5: Styles & Strategies

Group 3:

Students: Kujtesa, Besime, Biljana, Besa K.

Topic: Chapter 6: Personality Factors

Group 4:

Students: Lindita Limani, Safet, Milkica, Besa Q.

Topic: Chapter 7: Sociocultural Factors

Group 5:

Students: Majlinda, Natasha, Zajda, Njomza

Topic: Chapter 9: Communicative Competence

Instructions: Each presentation must be 20-30 minutes long. Each presentation must contain information from the textbook as well as research done by your group. You must cite your sources in the presentation. Failure to cite your sources will result in a grade of 0 for plagiarism. You may not simply bring a piece of paper and read from it. This needs to be an authentic presentation done for the class, so you may use notes, but you may not read your presentation. You must use some sort of visual aid. If you wish to use PowerPoint, you must tell me 2 weeks before your presentation so I can secure the projector for your use. Every group member must participate equally in the group presentation.

10% of your presentation grade will be for your work as a group.
20% of the presentation grade will be given for your work individually.

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